Brave Browser Download for All Systems

Brave Browser Download for All Systems

Fast Internet Browser

Brave browser is a web browsing software that blocks ads and trackers, making browsing faster and safer. It also gives you a share of the money made from your browsing, which is then used to provide you with a better browsing experience. You can download Brave for free on your desktop or mobile.

It is a web browser that protects your privacy and saves money. It blocks ads and trackers, speeds up page loading, and improves your browsing experience.

One of the benefits, besides blocking ads and trackers loading web pages faster and using less data. It also gives users a share of ad revenue that would have otherwise been spent on ads. It is based on Chromium, the open-source basis for Chrome. It uses the same algorithms as Chrome to speed up page loading and uses Chrome’s background service to block ads and trackers.

Brave browser features

Many different internet browsers are available today, each with unique features. The most popular of these is Google Chrome, which has many functions and has become the default browser for many people. However, the market is also becoming increasingly competitive, with many different browsers offering unique features and advantages. One of these is the Brave Internet browser, originally developed by Brendan Eich, the creator of the JavaScript programming language.

It is an internet browser that blocks ads and offers a faster and safer browsing experience. Unlike other browsers, it also blocks trackers and offers extra security measures such as ad blocking, incognito browsing, and fingerprinting protection. You can download the latest version of Brave for Windows, Mac, and Linux from here. You can also choose to use the experimental version, which features the latest developments in Brave.

It was created with the sole purpose of blocking ads and trackers. It functions similarly to other browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox, allowing you to visit websites and perform web searches. Still, it does this quite differently from the other web browsers. It is an internet browser based on the principles of the Blockchain, which means that it is being built to ensure that the user is in control of their data. This is accomplished by blocking ads, trackers, and other content which is believed to compromise user privacy.

Changelog in Brave Browser 1.56.9


  • Added the ability to hide and unhide NFTs.
  • Added the option to hide NFTs on the “Portfolio” page.
  • Added sticky header for asset details screen.
  • Added “Buy”, “Send”, “Swap”, and “More” buttons to narrow view of “Portfolio” screen.
  • Added empty state placeholder for NFTs when no NFTs are added.
  • Added API support to accept “Chain_ID” and “Contract_Address” for ETH calls.
  • Added NFT discovery support for “NonFungibleEdition” and “ProgrammableNonFungible” Solana token types.
  • Added support for Phantom derivation paths for importing Solana hardware accounts.
  • Added the ability to remove auto-discovered tokens.
  • Added auto-discovery for Filecoin assets and accounts.
  • [Security] Removed extra fields from “eth_signTypedData_v4” message as reported on HackerOne by matseq.
  • Enabled Sardine On-ramp purchase option for all wallet users.
  • Implemented updated design for the NFT details screen.
  • Implemented discovery of Solana accounts when restoring a wallet from seed phrase.
  • Moved “Portfolio” customization settings to the “Portfolio” sticky header.
  • Updated UI for “Portfolio” settings.
  • Updated Brave Wallet UI to show pending transactions in descending order.
  • Updated Brave Wallet page scrolling and responsiveness.
  • Updated asset discovery to automatically run when NFT discovery setting is enabled.
  • Updated Brave Wallet side navigation bar.
  • Updated Brave Wallet “Portfolio” graph layout.
  • Updated default Brave Wallet auto lock setting to 10 minutes.
  • Fixed Brave Wallet startup crash which occurred in certain cases.
  • Fixed inability to connect wallet on GMX
  • Fixed duplicate networks being displayed in pre-loaded networks.
  • Fixed Brave Wallet not returning correct selected address from the request account RPC call.

Brave Rewards

  • Added rounded corners to the Brave Rewards dropdown panel.
  • Updated the “Verified Creator” blue checkmark icon.
  • Updated Brave Rewards settings under brave://settings/rewards.


  • Added the ability to modify keyboard shortcuts under brave://settings/system/shortcuts.
  • Added support for “Off-The-Record” mode.
  • Added a link to the Safe Browsing support page accessible from the interstitial page and the question mark icon under brave://settings/security.
  • [Security] Added support for Certificate Transparency.
  • Updated Brave VPN connection to be removed when Brave is uninstalled on Windows.
  • Updated sidebar to be displayed on the right by default.
  • Removed unnecessary “Shields settings” label under site specific details page of brave://settings/content.
  • Fixed crash when using side panel extensions.
  • Fixed crash which occurred when opening a Private window from a Windows shortcut when a search extension is installed.
  • Fixed login issue on
  • Fixed cosmetic filtering unhiding heuristic.
  • Fixed system theme change interfering with explicitly set Brave theme on Linux.
  • Fixed aggressive vertical tab scrolling.
  • Fixed issue where cosmetic filtering could not resolve relative URLs as first-party.
  • Fixed pinned tabs being created in PWA windows.
  • Fixed intermittent issue where Bookmarks menu items were not displayed in the application menu on macOS.
  • Fixed debounced sites displaying a top-level document blocking interstitial.
  • Upgraded Chromium to 115.0.5790.98. (Changelog for 115.0.5790.98)

Download Links

Download Brave Browser for Windows 32-bit

Download Brave Browser for Windows 64-bit

Download Brave Browser for macOS [dmg]

Download Brave Browser for macOS [pkg]

Download Brave Browser for Linux [deb]

Download Brave Browser for Linux [rpm]

Download Brave Browser for Android

Download Brave Browser for IOS

More details? visit their homepage:


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