Cantwell Statement on Southwest Airlines Flight Cancellations

Cantwell Statement on Southwest Airlines Flight Cancellations

Senator Maria Cantwell, a Democrat from Washington, has expressed her concern about the recent flight cancellations at Southwest Airlines. In a statement released to the public, the Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee indicated that the issues go beyond weather-related issues. Cantwell noted that “many airlines fail to adequately communicate” and that investigations from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue were being considered. She further urged airline executives to take accountability for their actions and to ensure that customers are not experiencing these types of problems in the future.

The Senator concluded with a call for airlines to make sure they are providing reliable service and that customers receive fair compensation when flights are disrupted. “Those of us who travel regularly by air know the frustration of delayed or canceled flights. Today, we heard from a group of very frustrated people. And I agree with them. These customers are entitled to fair and timely compensation for their inconvenience. I call on the airlines to make sure that they are providing reliable service and that their customers receive the compensation that they are entitled to for delays, cancellations and overbookings,” said Durbin.

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