Reports: Microsoft did not lie to the European Commission about the acquisition of ZeniMax as the FTC claimed

Reports: Microsoft did not lie to the European Commission about the acquisition of ZeniMax as the FTC claimed

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently announced its intention to take Microsoft to the courts to prevent it from completing the acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Activision Blizzard will lead to the same monopolistic practices.

The investigative press agency MLex contacted officials in the European authorities concerned with the previous deal to verify the validity of the FTC’s allegations . The answer was contrary to what the FTC said, as the European Commission stated that Microsoft did not promise any obligations regarding the release of ZeniMax games on other platforms. The deal was approved at that time without No conditions The Committee did not see in the acquisition any threat to competition in the market.

The committee found that making ZeniMax games exclusive to Xbox would not have a strong impact on competitors, who would have access to a huge variety of content despite ZeniMax’s exclusive games.

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